The Dorset Poll is a hornless version of the Dorset Horn sheep, where the ewes are well built and can adapt readily to many differing environments. They lamb easily and produce a good number of twins at lambing time, to which they are very good mothers. The lambs fatten quickly and can reach commercial slaughter weight in around 12 weeks.
In my opinion the Polled Dorset's are just as cute as the Valais Blacknose. They are inquisitive sheep and mix really well with the Valais's.
Lambing can take place at any time of year to suit your requirements due to the frequent breeding characteristic of both the ewes and the rams. The lambs are early maturing and require very little extra feeding to obtain "finished weights".
I use Polled Dorsets as Teaser rams for both my Valais and Dorset ewes.
A teaser ram is an entire ram that has undergone a vasectomy . They have both testes still so they are keen to do the job but the operation has rendered them infertile - permanently. They are used to encourage ewes to begin oestrus activity, and gets them very well synchronised. Poll Dorsets are very good for this job as they breed all year round.
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